Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving threw up in my classroom!

OH.MY. This pretty much sums up how I feel when I walk into my classroom.  I’m greeted by dangling turkeys, pilgrims, timelines, and kid work all over the place…and I LOVE IT.  The last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind.  I didn’t get a chance to do half the things I wanted to, but I’m okay with it because the kids got JUST what they needed!  We’ve been furiously preparing ourselves for our Thanksgiving performance- The ABC's of Thanksgiving.  The kids have done a great job learning their lines and are so excited to tell their families about the first Thanksgiving.  After the performance, all the families are invited  to browse around and take a look at all the fun things the kids have been learning. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break. 



Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thank you, Veterans!

Last week we learned all about Veterans Day.  We discussed what a veteran is and what the military does for our country.  Next, we wrote letters to veterans to thank them for their service. The kids were SO excited to make their own little veterans and even MORE excited to see them hanging in the hall later that afternoon!  TOO cute!!!  It seems like SO many of my kids have family members serving in the military, so they made some amazing connections during this activity.  God bless everyone serving in the military {past & present} and the family members that have to sacrifice during their absence.   Coming up this week we will be learning about the First Thanksgiving, Indians, and Pilgrims! We will also be reading more turkey themed books and practicing for our play, The ABC's of Thanksgiving.  Be sure to stop by next week to see what we have been doing!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

What makes you cranky?

This past week we were all about goblins, witches, and Frankenstein.  We read several Halloween themed books, but our favorite one we read was called, Crankenstien.  After we read Crankenstien, we brainstormed about what makes us cranky......the answers were hilarious!  Be sure to ask your child what makes him/her cranky!  Another fun activity we did this week was make monster slime!  It was a gooey, slimy fun time! 

Below you can find the recipe for monster slime if you would like to make it at home.

Monster Slime
1 cup of water
1 T of Borax
1/2 of glue
1/2 of water.
food coloring

Directions:In one bowl mix the water and borax.  In  another bowl mix the glue and water.   Add food coloring if you would like.  Add the glue mixture to the borax mixture and stir.

Thank you to everyone who sent in food for our Fall party on Friday.  Everyone had a great time!  It was so nice seeing so many of you.  The kiddos had so much fun walking in the parade and showing off their costumes.  I loved seeing and hearing all the smiles and giggles. 

Have a great week!