Christmas is in full swing in the classroom. We have Santa's, reindeer, elves, and snowmen hanging everywhere. This week we will be finishing up a special gift from the students to the parents as well as making a few other crafts.
Wednesday will be our gingerbread day! We will read several stories about gingerbread men, go on a hunt for the gingerbread man, and make our own gingerbread houses.
Thursday we will have our Christmas party at 2:30. If you have already signed up for an item to bring, THANK YOU! If you have not, please go to and pick an item that is still available.
Students need to bring in 22 little gifts to pass out to each student. It can be a candy cane, stickers, pencils, erasers, etc. If you are unable to send something in, please let me know.
Friday is Polar Express day! Students may wear their PJ's to school. We will watch The Polar Express and drink hot chocolate.
Just a reminder that there will be NO homework, spelling, or lightening words this week!