Sunday, March 20, 2016

Lucky Leprechaun!

Last week we were all about leprechauns and luck in our classroom!  I had the kids make Leprechaun traps for a family project and bring them to school so that we could try and catch the leprechaun.  There were some ADORABLE traps!!  We set them out all over the room on Wednesday and checked them the next morning.  I was certain we would catch him, but he was just too sneaky!  Boy did he mess up our room though!  He knocked over chairs, threw glitter everywhere and got his little green footprints on everything!  He even messed up the bathroom.  He did leave us some treats necklaces, gold coins and a baggie full of “magic powder”.  The leprechaun left instructions to mix the powder with 1 cup of milk for a “green surprise”.  So we mixed and mixed and ended up with {green}pistachio pudding!  .  Most of them  liked it, but they were totally weirded out by the pistachio bits {I told them they were lucky leprechaun nuggets}.  To end our fun day,  I filled  bags with Lucky Charms and a gold chocolate coin and left them on the kids’ desks.  We got to graph the marshmallows and then eat them!  They LOVED it!! 



Happy St. Paty's Day from The Parker Cowboys!!!


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Wiggly Worms!

This week in Science, we learned what living things do, need and are  and completing a living/nonliving sort together during a whole group lesson. 

Once the students had grasped the concepts of living and nonliving we put their new knowledge to the test with a very exciting science investigation... Gummy worms versus Earth worms!

I had students use a recording sheet as we set out to prove our hypothesis that earthworms are living and gummy worms are nonliving.  We described how each type of worm looks and feels.  We measured and compared both worms.  They had a blast!  While I had a hard time actually touching the worms, the kids were all about it!
We ended out learning on living and nonliving by making edible dirt with worms!!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

What a fun week we had celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday!  We read Green Eggs and Ham and tasted green eggs!  We then took a vote to see if we liked them or not......most of us did! 

On Wednesday, we wore our wacky socks to school and got to walk around in them all day long!  We read the Foot Book and Hop on Pop.  At the end of the day we actually hopped on pop....bubble our socks and ate popcorn.

On Thursday, we read Oh the Places You'll Go.  Students came dressed up in what they want to be when they grow up.  We had marines, a vet, doctor, model, a chef, fireman, and many others.  Students got to write about what they wanted to be and tell me why. 

Friday, we ended our fun week wearing our comfy clothes.   When the kiddos came in they put on their Thing 1/Thing 2 hair and number and got ready for the day.   We read Bartholomew and the Oobleck and then made our own Oobleck!  It was sooooo neat to touch.   We also made a fun Cat in the Hat snazzy snack and watched Horton Hears a Who!
We had such a fun and awesome week!!!