Saturday, August 22, 2015

Welcome Back!

Howdy Partners!

Welcome to first grade and to our class blog.  I hope you are ready to become a Parker Cowboy.  We are going to have a Rootin Tootin good time this year.

I created this blog to keep parents informed about what we are learning in our classroom.  I plan to update this site often with important information, pictures and activities.  Please check back often to see what we have been up to.

It was great  meeting my new buckaroos at Open House on  Friday.  If you were not able to come, please know that I have an open door policy in my classroom and you are always welcome to drop by anytime!  

Just a reminder that Monday we will go to PE for specials so wear your tennis shoes.  

Don't forget to put your Jitter Glitter under your pillow tomorrow night!  I can't wait to see everyone on Monday!


  1. The jitter glitter was a big hit at our house Sunday night! Thanks for helping Anja have a great start to her first grade year:)
